Exploring the Role of AI in Aging: Behind the Scenes of "Al's Timers"

Exploring the Role of AI in Aging: Behind the Scenes of "Al's Timers"

"Al's Timers" is not just an animated short film; it's a heartfelt exploration of how technology and AI can assist families during the aging process. This project was a remarkable achievement for our ... ...more


April 14, 20241 min read

6 Lessons I Learned Producing My First Documentary Film - "Paper Chasers"​

6 Lessons I Learned Producing My First Documentary Film - "Paper Chasers"​

Well, time to stop hording info, self censuring, and spit some of this digital game I've learned these decades as an OG- Original Geek! #documentaries #eachoneteachone ...more


January 01, 20246 min read

Dreams Of Digital Streams - A 25 Year Personal Recollection Of OTT TV

Dreams Of Digital Streams - A 25 Year Personal Recollection Of OTT TV

Twenty years ago, this summer, I had the good fortune of working for one of the first internet video streaming portals, iFilm Networks. In this post, I share memories from that era and my 25+ years of... ...more


November 30, 201912 min read

AI Mediamakers: Community and Insights for AI-Driven Media Professionals


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